How to Donate (scroll for more info)

1) Give Monthly via Online Payments

Our secure online donation platform, Donorbox, accepts monthly donations from your digital wallet. Donorbox supports Google Pay, Apple Pay, Stripe and Paypal for donations from the card or accounts you use for online payments. 

It automatically sends you a tax-deductible invoice each time you donate. There is a small fee attached and we humbly ask that you as the donor cover this cost if possible.

To avoid fees for monthly giving, please schedule a monthly direct transfer to our bank account (option 3).

2) Give Once via Online Payments

Our Paypal Giving Fund page accepts donations online through your PayPal account.  You can use a bank account, credit or debit card to make payments online though PayPal (you don't need a credit card).

It automatically sends you a tax-deductible receipt.  There are no fees.

Please ensure you include your name and email address on the Paypal Giving Fund form so we can write to you to thank you and to show the impact of your gift.

3)  Give Regularly or Once via Bank Transfer

Name:  Project Kindy

BSB: 064 032  

Account Number:  1012 0947  

Reference:  Your email address

Bank:  Commonwealth Bank

Our Commonwealth Bank account receives regular and once-off donations via direct transfers, scheduled monthly transfers, ATM deposits and cheques.

There are no fees charged by CBA to receive donations to our bank account. 

Please add your email address in the description so we can write to you to show the impact of your gift and provide you with a tax-deductible receipt.  Our Contact Details are listed below.

4) Other ways to Give Smarter

Project Kindy is a powerful instrument to make a charitable gift from your wealth stretch a very long way as you save and change lives of children in poverty.   You can make your wealth go further by taking advantage of the benefits of giving a gift to our tax-deductible charity, from your will, estate, investment or your private charitable fund. 

When you offer a major gift like this to Project Kindy, you become knowns as an esteemed "Permanent Provider" because you fundamentally change our partnership's capacity to vulnerable children through kindergartens.

Our first "Permanent Providers" for Project Kindy donated from their personal charitable funds, the M F Gill Fund and the Geoff Booth Foundation. Joan Gill (and her family) and her fund manager Fraser Power Snr, and Geoff Booth and his fund manager, Paul Manning have made incredible change in the local communities in Malawi and in our capacity to serve the poor.  We are forever grateful to them and hope their example inspires others to choose Project Kindy as their 'instrument of choice' to make this world a better place.  Have you considered creating a personal charitable fund?

More people have joined our growing team of "Permanent Providers".  We are blessed by generous-hearted individuals who have given a gift in their will, pledged a gift from a future wealth event and donated from their family trust.  We love to spend time with our esteemed Permanent Providers over lunch or coffee and they are VIPs at our events.

You can see from the videos and photos how real the partnership is, how appreciative the people are and how the kindergartens bring dignity to all involved. You can also visit the communities in Malawi in person, hosted by the Project Kindy team and Canossian Sisters.  It is very compelling to see the impact of your partnership in person and exciting to take in the beauty of the African wilderness with safaris at the nearby Liwonde National Park, in the Machinga District.

To create a private charitable fund, give a gift in your will or give a charitable gift from your wealth in another way, please see your solicitor and financial advisor.  Email Donna Power and the team at to find out how Project Kindy can be your powerful instrument to make the impact of your gift make a real and lasting difference.

Project Kindy Address, Email, Phone Number and ABN

7 Tumna Street, Ferny Grove, Queensland 4055, Australia   ph: 0438510974

ABN: 79 720 480 422

"Zikomo" (thank you very much) from the children, teachers, mums and Sisters and the Project Kindy Team.

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