Powered by Prayer

Project Kindy is powered by your prayer. We depend on the power of your prayer to protect the work, provide wisdom, open doors, grow in our virtues and skills, strengthen our bodies and minds and to unite with like-hearted people. Please add us to your daily prayers, rosary or meal time grace and offer up thanks and needs for this work so it is continually covered in Christ’s grace.
Our three faith symbols for this work are Jesus, the Good Shepherd, Mary’s Immaculate Heart and the miracle of a child giving 5 loaves and 2 fish and Jesus multiplying that to feed a crowd of 5000+ people. Jesus is our Good Shepherd, he knows, leads and protects us and we follow him because we know his voice and trust him. Jesus and Mary love the poor, especially children, who are special members of their family, and Project Kindy humbly places our children and service into the nurturing embrace and protection of Mary’s Immaculate Heart. As imperfect humans, we can only offer our ‘five loaves and two fish’ like the child did in that famous miracle and hope that His amazing grace accepts and multiplies our offering for His Kingdom.
Project Kindy Prayer

Our special prayer was written by Lyn McDade, Donna’s aunt, who passed away in 2021. Lyn was a beloved primary school teacher and aunt and always took a special interest in Project Kindy right from the start. A lady of deep faith, she was asked to compose this prayer to place the work under the care of God and to help us navigate the adventure with wisdom and humble service. Donna added to the prayer in 2025 to dedicate the project to the Good Shepherd and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.