We Are Powerful

Project Kindy is special, long-term, grassroots partnership between Australian donors, the Canossian Sisters in Nsanama and local village communities in the Machinga District in Malawi, Africa.  We provide children in extreme poverty with access to safe, caring, community-run kindergartens where they thrive with daily nourishing food, pre-primary education and friendships.

Poverty isolates, weakens and threatens children. Our village kindergartens protect, strengthen and empower children.  Together, we save and change lives of children in extreme poverty and in doing so bring hope, strength and dignity to their local communities. 

Join us and make this partnership stronger and reach more children!

project kindy 11 kindergartens in Malawi Africa run by the canossians

“I’m proud to be associated with Project Kindy.  Every cent goes to charity.  I love kids. Make sure kids are fed.  It’s a simple as that for me.” 

Kylie Grimley, Integrated Infrastructure Planning.

Your support is life-saving and life-changing for children in extreme poverty.  You provide them with life-saving access to food security and safe learning environments and life-changing access to pre-primary education, caring teachers and fun little friends.

You can be sure 100% of your donations reach the poor. We have 'Angel Givers' who choose to donate to our expenses account to cover costs so you don't have to.

We are a registered charity with the ACNC and are approved for DGR status by the ATO.  ABN: 79 720 480 422

Why Kindergarten?

"This is a special grassroots project that has grown in a sustainable, respectful way.  Our kindergartens have proven to be empowering for the local people and life-changing for the vulnerable children we serve."

Donna Power, Founder


Children in Malawi suffer from malnutrition and hunger as their subsistence farming families face food insecurity regularly.  The kindergarten students receive a filling polenta-style lunch Monday to Friday, 10 months of the year.   We need your help to provide this crucial food source for the children.


Project Kindy Brisbane charity fundraising for kindergartens in rural Malawi for children in poverty.


Kindy develops their social and behaviour skills, basic numeracy and literacy and a growing sense of confidence and belonging to community.  This sets them up for success in primary school and subsequently secondary school and beyond, creating leaders and active, skilled citizens.  Give the gift that keeps on giving!!



Poverty isolates children and without kindergarten they are often left without adult supervision and food for long periods of time.  The communities see the value in bringing the children together during the day under the care of teachers and with the friendship of each other.  Project Kindy also provides special t-shirts and shoes to increase the children's experience of dignity.


Project Kindy Brisbane charity fundraising for kindergartens in rural Malawi for children in poverty.


Classrooms provide weather-proof shelter, dust-free classrooms and security.  The wells provide essential access to fresh and local water.   We plan to empower the communities to be self-sufficient in the long term.   We need your help to provide the essential funding for these projects.


How much does it cost?

This $4/month fee provides the child with life-saving, nutritious daily 'porridge', a t-shirt and pair of shoes, educational resources and access to an 'ambulance bike' if needed.  There are bigger amounts of funds needed to cover the staff wages and training and construction projects of classrooms and wells.  These are covered by business and larger private donations.

project kindy committee for 2024 Donna Power Rebecca Ramsden Jacqui Du Payne Rochelle Palmer Kate Prior Kylie Grimley and Michelle McClafferty

Join in the Work!

business sponsors for Project Kindy Brisbane charity. InGauge Engineering logo.