Logo of Love for Kindy Children
It is my pleasure to introduce our new Project Kindy logo to you which is a combined effort from Canossian Sisters, the Project Kindy committee and the Malawian community. The symbol features a child’s two hands openly reaching out to receive our neighbourly love which is represented by the big heart. In Malawi one hand does not mean much on its own, however, two hands means a great deal. Whenever you receive or give something you do it with two hands as a sign of dignity and respect. We love this symbolism from the Malawian culture.
The hands are the painted handprints of Gabriella Power, the youngest daughter of Donna and Fraser. The Project Kindy committee enjoyed designing this logo with guidance from Sr Gio in Malawi. She pointed out our need for a more relevant image for the children in the Malawi as in early 2022 they are about to receive their first screen-printed Project Kindy t-shirts. It is fitting that we have a new logo for this new season for our grassroots kindergarten partnership.
I would like to thank Louise Visser for her creativity and generosity in designing our first logo. It served us so well! We are so grateful to her.
Thank you! I can’t wait to see photos of the kids in their special Project Kindy shirts that are only possible due to donations. Please consider becoming a regular donor or donating once towards the annual cost of providing dignifying shirts for the kids.
Donna Power