Teachers Enjoy Quality Training

Due to the greater support from the Project Kindy Village, the teachers from our 11 kindergartens have are receiving higher quality of training. The new role of Director is funded by you and our first one, Mr Mmwala, a fantastic educational leader, has led the day with the Canossian Sisters. I met him in 2017 and saw his enthusiasm and leadership firsthand. The strengthening of the teachers’ capacity is key to the improvement of educational outcomes for the children and the sustainability of the project. It is encouraging to see that the teachers learnt, reviewed and added to the syllabus for Term 2 and enjoyed the Child Protection training.
When I first learnt that the Australian Government requires our partners on the ground to complete Child Protection training and HR processes in order to grant us tax-deductible gift recipient status, I found it a challenge to translate the Aussie paperwork into a Malawian village context.
The Canossian Sisters and I worked hard at it, though, and translated all the documents into Chichewa, created forms that included Malawian-style statutory declarations, included context-specific details in the code of conduct and worked with the chiefs and P&F leaders to vouch for the new volunteers instead of police officers. It was worth the effort for the children’s sake.
The teachers are empowered to protect the children and the Sisters have consistently provided us with photographic and written evidence of the child protection training.
It is wonderful to see that each time the teachers go through the training and sign the Child Safety Code of Conduct, the feedback is that they enjoyed it and found it empowering. I am grateful for the Australian Government’s insistence that we raise the standard of the project for the benefit of the children.
In other news, you’ll notice in Sr Gio’s letter below, the teachers have asked for playground toys. The Project Kindy Committee responded with approval for the use of funds already sent for this purpose and have made a note to include playground resources in the 2023 budget.
Donna Power
From Sr Giovanna Tosi, March 24 2022
“Greetings from Nsanama, dear Donna and friends.
Hope you are keeping well. We too, and we thank God for his blessings and graces.
Next week schools will reopen, second term will start, so today we have gathered all the teachers of the kindergartens in the villages to prepare them for the second term.
First we had prepared for them breakfast, since they come from very far, and some come on foot.
Then we had the presentation and explanation of the Child Protection Policy. They were presented with the policy in English and Chichewa, they had time to ask questions and clarifications. It was a nice process, and at the end they signed the policy.
After that, we presented them with the written syllabus (which was not there before). They were sent in groups as schools to read, discuss and review it, and then give their feed backs and further contributions.
We also told them that children will be given t-shirts and rubber shoes during this second term, and they are very grateful. They say it will help the children to be tidy, and the schools to be more appreciated.
They are asking for some balls and games, if possible. I promised them we will see if possible to provide for each school something for the children to play during break.
After lunch they will receive their monthly incentive and they will return home, empowered and ready to start teaching on Monday next week.
Dear Donna, thank you for all you do for our small ones. We don’t take it for granted. We know that behind every cent there is the sweat of so many good people and your love and interest for us. And we appreciate it very much.
May the good Lord bless and protect you and your family.
Love from all of us
Sr. Giovanna”