Charitable Organizations in Brisbane

Choosing the right children’s charity to donate to can be a daunting task. With so many organizations out there, it’s important to do your research and ensure that your money is going to the right place. In this article, we will explore some of the best kids’ charities in Brisbane and provide tips on how to make a difference in a child’s life.

Researching the Charity

Before donating to any charity, it’s crucial to thoroughly research the organization. The Australian Charities and Not For Profit Commission (ACNC) is the national regulator of charities in Australia. They oversee over 58,000 registered charities in the country. Visit their charity register to see if the group you’re looking to support is approved to fundraise.

In addition to checking their registration, it’s important to understand the goals and objectives of the charity. Look for transparency in their operations and financials. A reputable charity should be able to show you where the money goes. Review their annual report, which should be available on their website.

Best Kids’ Charities in Brisbane

Here are some of the best children’s charities in Brisbane that you can consider supporting:

1. Save The Children

Save The Children is a global organization that champions for the rights of children. They provide food, water, safe shelter, and access to education for children in need. You can make monthly payments, donate one-time, or even sponsor a child in the long term. Visit their website to find out more.

2. Children’s Hospital Foundation

The Children’s Hospital Foundation aims to bring smiles to the faces of sick children in Australia. Their goal is to allow kids to be kids, regardless of their illness. They focus on making hospital stays more bearable and creating a sense of normalcy for these children. Check their website for guidelines on how to help and donate.

3. The Pyjama Foundation

The Pyjama Foundation is a charity that focuses on improving the lives of children in foster care. They provide support, literacy and numeracy programs, and help build social and emotional skills for children who have had a rough start in life. Visit their website to get involved in their fundraising activities.

4. Starlight Foundation

The Starlight Foundation aims to make the lives of seriously ill children and their families better. They provide life-altering experiences, raise funds for events, and work towards creating awareness. You can make a real difference by getting involved with the Starlight Foundation. Visit their website to find out more.

5. Smith Family

The Smith Family’s Toy & Book Appeal is an opportunity to bring a smile to a disadvantaged child’s face during Christmas. Many Australian children go without receiving gifts simply because their families can’t afford them. Your support can help these children acquire the skills and knowledge they need for a better future. Visit their website to find out how you can help.

6. Make-A-Wish Australia

Make-A-Wish Australia grants wishes for critically ill children. By getting involved, you can create joy and hope for these children and their families. Visit their website to find out how you can help make a difference in the lives of these children.

Teaching Charity at Home

In addition to supporting children’s charities, it’s important to teach your own children about the value of charity. By introducing the concept of giving back at home, you can instill qualities such as compassion, empathy, respect, tolerance, understanding, and gratitude in your children.

Consider volunteering your time at your children’s school or getting involved in community service projects. Allow your children to experience the joy of helping others firsthand. By doing so, you not only contribute to the well-being of others but also teach your children important life lessons.


When choosing a children’s charity to support, it’s crucial to do your research and ensure that your money is going to the right place. Look for transparency in the organization’s operations and financials. Consider supporting reputable charities such as Save The Children, Children’s Hospital Foundation, The Pyjama Foundation, Starlight Foundation, Smith Family, and Make-A-Wish Australia. By getting involved and teaching charity at home, you can make a real difference in the lives of children in need.