Christian Faith-Based Education Liberty University Online Academy Expands its Program


As more families turn to online education at all learning levels, Liberty University Online Academy (LUOA) has experienced significant growth. Last year, LUOA achieved a record enrollment of 18,400 students, making it one of the leading providers of Christian faith-based education in the online learning space. This article explores the reasons behind LUOA’s success and how its curriculum, flexibility, and biblical worldview have attracted families from all over the world.

The Impact of LUOA: A Grandmother’s Testimonial

Sherri Deeder, a grandmother from Bluffs, Illinois, highlights the benefits of LUOA’s rigorous and engaging curriculum. She explains that LUOA’s flexibility and Bible-based approach have strengthened her grandchildren’s understanding of their faith. Deeder, who graduated from Liberty University in 1994, sees LUOA as a special connection she shares with her grandchildren. She appreciates the opportunity to spend quality time with them and witness their educational journey firsthand.

LUOA’s Goal: Influence the Student and the Family

Dr. Chris Rusk, the dean and superintendent of LUOA, emphasizes the academy’s mission to not only influence students with the Gospel but also their families. Rusk explains that LUOA attracts both Christian families seeking faith-based education and non-Christian households recognizing the high caliber of education provided by Liberty University. By designing every course with a biblical mindset, LUOA aims to impact the entire family, guiding them toward a Christ-centered worldview.

A Biblical Foundation: Starting with Scripture

Rusk emphasizes LUOA’s commitment to start every course with Scripture. Unlike other Christian programs that build faith elements on top of a secular curriculum, LUOA’s approach is to begin with the Bible and integrate it into every discipline. This ensures that Christ is baked into the curriculum from the start, offering students a comprehensive understanding of how their faith intersects with various subjects.

LUOA’s Reach: Serving Families Worldwide

LUOA’s impact extends beyond the United States, reaching families in 99 countries around the world. From Malaysia and Vietnam to Qatar and Iraq, students from diverse backgrounds have enrolled in LUOA’s program. The academy’s flexibility, rolling enrollment schedule, and self-paced curriculum have attracted families seeking an alternative to traditional schools. Students can work at their own pace, accommodating their schedules and learning tempo, ensuring a personalized educational experience.

Flexibility for Pursuing Dreams: Sarah Keturah Colley’s Story

Sarah Keturah Colley, a teen actress from Tampa, Florida, shares her experience with LUOA. As someone pursuing her dreams in acting, Colley needed an education that could accommodate her busy schedule. LUOA provided the flexibility she needed to balance her acting career and education. Colley’s positive experience led her to enroll her daughter, Aurora Cain, in LUOA’s kindergarten program. Colley appreciates LUOA’s ability to meet her daughter’s individual needs, especially as Aurora is on the autism spectrum.

Liberty University’s Legacy in Online Education

Liberty University, a pioneer in distance learning and online education, launched LUOA in 2007. With its extensive experience in online education, Liberty University has established LUOA as a trusted provider of Christian faith-based education. The academy has seen a 41 percent increase in enrollment in recent years, partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which prompted families to seek online alternatives to traditional schools. LUOA’s decade-long presence in the online space has positioned it as a reliable choice for families seeking a high-quality online education.

Fostering Connections: Building a Community

LUOA recognizes the importance of fostering connections among its students. The academy offers various ways for students to connect with classmates, including online student clubs, an annual Christmas party, and tailgates before Liberty Football games. These opportunities allow students to interact and build friendships, creating a sense of community within the online learning environment. LUOA’s senior club, for example, enables high school seniors to connect before their graduation, ensuring that they already have friends to walk with during this important milestone.

Supportive Environment: Teachers, Advisors, and Academic Guidance

LUOA prioritizes providing a supportive environment for its students and their families. Teachers and advisors frequently connect with students, offering academic support and guidance. The academy’s academic advising team, specialized in elementary, middle, and high school education, is readily available to assist with computer issues and prayer requests. This personalized approach ensures that students receive the support they need to succeed academically and spiritually.


Liberty University Online Academy’s expansion and record enrollment demonstrate the appeal of Christian faith-based education in an online format. LUOA’s rigorous curriculum, flexibility, and biblical worldview attract families seeking an alternative to traditional schools. With its commitment to starting every course with Scripture and its focus on influencing not only students but also their families, LUOA provides a comprehensive educational experience. Families from all over the world are drawn to LUOA’s flexible schedule, personalized curriculum, and supportive community, making it a leading choice for Christian faith-based education. To learn more about LUOA and its programs, visit, call (866) 418-8741, or email