Kindergarten Funding Management

Kindergarten funding management is an essential aspect of ensuring that early education programs are adequately funded and able to provide high-quality services to children. In California, the management of kindergarten funding is governed by specific laws and regulations outlined in Assembly Bill (AB) 130, AB 167, AB 210, AB 185, and the California Education Code (EC) Section 48000(l).


The purpose of this article is to provide guidance on the management of kindergarten funding in California, specifically related to the Part-day California State Preschool Program (CSPP) as an extended learning and care option. The article will cover the eligibility requirements, enrollment processes, operational hours, and fiscal reporting requirements for CSPP contractors.


Under the current policy, children enrolled in a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) or kindergarten program can also be enrolled in part-day CSPP for extended learning and care services during the hours they are not receiving educational services. However, families must meet the eligibility requirements for part-day CSPP as stated in EC Section 8208(a).

CSPP contractors must adhere to all current laws and regulations regarding eligibility, priority, and certification when enrolling children in CSPP for extended learning and care services. This includes following the priority order for enrolling children and certifying families for part-day CSPP services for less than four hours per day.

Directives for Implementation

CSPP contractors can enroll children or retain children already enrolled in part-day CSPP for extended learning and care services if the child is currently enrolled in TK or kindergarten and the family meets the eligibility requirements. However, being enrolled in TK or kindergarten does not automatically make a family eligible for part-day CSPP, and families must still meet the eligibility criteria.

CSPP contractors operating on a local educational agency (LEA) campus have flexibility in their operational hours and enrollment periods. Operational hours can be adjusted to offer care before and after the scheduled TK or kindergarten school day, as long as the total hours are limited to less than four hours. Contractors must inform families that participation in the entire CSPP portion of the day is expected, and it is not drop-in care.

CSPP contractors on LEA campuses can also set enrollment periods once every 30 days within the 120-day enrollment allowance, allowing them to assess applications and enroll children based on the applications received during each enrollment period.


Families choosing to enroll their child in part-day CSPP extended learning and care services must provide all required documents to determine eligibility. Additionally, documentation must be provided to prove that the child is enrolled in TK or kindergarten.

Fiscal Reporting Requirements

CSPP contractors must follow specific reporting requirements for enrollment, attendance, and fiscal reporting within the Child Development Provider Accounting Reporting Information System (CPARIS). Contractors must report the child’s days of enrollment and attendance accurately, and all expenses associated with CSPP should be reported as reimbursable expenses.

Background and Authority

Eligibility criteria for part-day CSPP are outlined in EC Section 8208(a), which specifies the requirements families must meet to be eligible for services. Priorities for part-day CSPP are detailed in EC Section 8210, which provides guidance on the priority order for enrolling families.

Various Assembly Bills, including AB 130, AB 167, AB 210, and AB 185, have amended EC Section 48000(l) to address the provision of wraparound care services for children enrolled in TK or kindergarten programs. These bills have also provided flexibility for CSPP contractors operating on LEA campuses in their operational hours and enrollment cutoff dates.


Managing kindergarten funding is crucial for ensuring that early education programs can provide comprehensive and high-quality services to children. By following the guidelines and directives outlined in this article, CSPP contractors in California can effectively manage kindergarten funding, enroll eligible children in extended learning and care services, and accurately report fiscal data. By doing so, they can contribute to the overall success and development of children in TK and kindergarten programs.

Keywords: Kindergarten funding management